Members of Castlerigg Conclave No. 363 held their Installation meeting at Cleator Moor Masonic Hall on Saturday the 4th of November 2023 commencing at 10.30 a.m.
The members had assembled at the hall for a committee meeting which started at 9.30 a.m.!
The Conclave was opened promptly at 10.30 a.m. and the S.R., Wy.Bro. Les Messenger, welcomed all the members and particularly the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, R.Wy.Bro. John Bicknell together with R.Wy.Bro. David Knight P.G.Guide and Wy.Bro. Bob Olive P.G.Swd.B. and V.Wy.Bro. Michael Walker P.G.V., S.R. of Friendship Conclave No. 332, who had all made the 2 hour plus journey to Cumbria.
The Installation ceremony of Bro. Tony McMinn, was carried out by Wy.Bro. John Mackenzie P.G.Swd.B. in a most exemplary manner.
R.Wy.Bro. John Bicknell then commissioned Wy.Bro. McMinn as a Supreme Ruler within the Order and the brethren shared the Loving Cup accompanied by the usual anthem.
The Conclave officers for the two degrees were appointed and the Warrant and Constitutions were presented together with the By-Laws of the Conclave.
The Conclave currently has 26 members with four awaiting their Princes degree which will be carried out at an Emergency meeting on Saturday the 3rd of February 2024 and are pictured below:-
There were 24 members and visitors in attendance.
Following the meeting the Brethren enjoyed a hearty Cumberland “All Day Breakfast” served by the members of the Conclave.
A raffle was held which raised a magnificent total of £140.00.
Words and pictures from your travelling correspondent